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WWW meaning and use The World Wide Web (WWW), commonly known as the Web, is an information system enabling documents and other Web resources to be accessed over the Internet With many hyperlinks, or simply a link, wtich is a digital reference to data that the user can follow or be guided by clicking or tapping also relevant extension as .com or .org or .net or .info and more like: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ WWW. World Wide Web ( WWW ) or W3 or Web3.tech or .app or .link WWW. Websites, Webpages, and Webcasts.com or .biz WWW. Wikipedia, Wiktionary, and Wikiversity.org WWW. Who? Where? When?.net WWW. What? Why? Which?.info WWW. Where there is Will there is a Way.online or .world WWW. plan your Work and Work your plan Willingly.pro WWW. the Wealth of Worthwhile info to fulfill your life and Wallet.edu or .biz WWW. be happy, healthy, Wealthy Within and Without for a long.life +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ For more information please visit our websites at : WWW.best100plus.com WWW.smartebooksreading.info WWW.4seasonsgardensplus.org WWW.promotionalguide.net WWW. Write best Words to be best Writer.book WWW. Work or do Workout to be Well.power WWW. Win Wllness, Within.life Find out more info at WWW.best100plus.info WWW. use Wireless Wave for Worldview.biz WWW. Writing goals, Writing plans, schedules, and Writing to-do list at WWW. also could be WWW.be happy, healthy, Wealthy Within and Without for long.life to know, to learn, and to work on them, by plan work you, and work your plan willingly or… Put your Will, into What you Want in life, by writing your goals, writing your plan, schedules, and to-do list by giving all your attention, concentration, and focus, continuously to Win victorious successes always in your life. where who, what you see, is what you get what you see is what you believe meaning to become wealthy make you wealthier! w3 word, work, while waiting whom would, wave, wireless, watch, willpower, within, wonderful, whole, willful, weekly, wake, walk, working, workout, workshop, worldly, warranty, welcome, winning, welfare, well, wellness, wild, wonderful, waterfall, warm water, and weather, worth, wealthy, worthwhile, wallet, worldviews, witness, weekday, wizard to as a reminder, to memorize and remember |
Living in Age of Aging advantage
Age means The length of time that a person or thing has existed or lived.
All ages
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young senior centenarian info,
Biological Versus Chronological Age
Chronological age is how long you have existed. Biological age is how old your cells are.
Sometimes these two numbers are the same for people, but everyone ages at different rates.
Your healthspan is the period of life where you are free of any aging-related disease. Dr. Vaughan and the Potocsnak Longevity Institute are aiming to increase the human healthspan by slowing down the aging process to push back the onset of aging-related diseases.
Aging-Related Diseases
Humanity has been interested in slowing the aging process and finding the “fountain of youth” since the dawn of time, but conversations about longevity are especially relevant as life expectancy in the U.S. has decreased by more than a year since 2020.