Smart Shakespear

1+ Shakespeare Book: First Folio
2+ Shakespeare Comedy Book: As You Like It!

3+ Shakespeare Roses

4+ Shakespeare Flower gardens


Williams pear From Wikipedia

The Williams’ bon chrétien pear, commonly called the Williams pear or the Bartlett pear in the United States and Canada, is the most commonly grown variety of pear in most countries outside Asia.

It is aWilliams Pears Information, Recipes and FactsImage result for williams pear

cultivar (cultivated variety) of the species Pyrus communis, commonly known as the European Pear. The fruit has a bell shape, considered the traditional pear shape in the west, and its green skin turns yellow upon later ripening, although red-skinned derivative varieties exist. It is considered a summer pear, not as tolerant of cold as some varieties. It is often eaten raw, but holds its shape well when baked, and is a common choice for canned or other processed pear uses.

Williams Bon Chrétien 1822.png
7 Health Benefits Of Williams Pears DoveMed
The Williams pear (Pyrus communis) is the most commonly grown variety of pear in most countries outside Asia. The fruit is the upper end of the flower stalk and is typically Williams pear shaped, narrow at the top (stem) and wider at the bottom. Its green skin turns yellow upon later ripening, although red-skinned derivative varieties exist.

Awesome Williams Pears Cultivation Technology – Pears Farming and Harvest – Pears Processing
Noal Farm
Williams Pears is Important fruit crop of temperate region. It belongs to the family Rosaceae. Pear fruit is rich source of Protein and Vitamins. due to its wider adaptability of climate and soil pear can be grown in subtropical to temperate regions. In India Pear is cultivated in Himachal Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir and U.P and low chilling varieties do well in subtropical regions.


Spelling of Shakespeare’s name

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Shakespeare's printed signature as it appears in The Rape of Lucrece, printed by fellow Stratfordian Richard Field

Shakespeare’s printed signature as it appears in The Rape of Lucrece, printed by fellow Stratfordian Richard Field

The spelling of William Shake­speare‘s name has var­ied over time. It was not con­sis­tently spelled any sin­gle way dur­ing his life­time, in man­u­script or in printed form. After his death the name was spelled var­i­ously by ed­i­tors of his work, and the spelling was not fixed until well into the 20th cen­tury.

The stan­dard spelling of the sur­name as “Shake­speare” was the most com­mon pub­lished form in Shake­speare’s life­time, but it was not one used in his own hand­writ­ten sig­na­tures. It was, how­ever, the spelling used as a printed sig­na­ture to the ded­i­ca­tions of the first edi­tions of his poems Venus and Ado­nis in 1593 and The Rape of Lu­crece in 1594. It is also the spelling used in the First Folio, the de­fin­i­tive col­lec­tion of his plays pub­lished in 1623, after his death.

The spelling of the name was later mod­ernised, “Shake­spear” gain­ing pop­u­lar usage in the 18th cen­tury, which was largely re­placed by “Shak­s­peare” from the late 18th through the early 19th cen­tury. In the Ro­man­tic and Vic­to­rian eras the spelling “Shakspere”, as used in the poet’s own sig­na­ture, be­came more widely adopted in the be­lief that this was the most au­then­tic ver­sion. From the mid-19th to the early 20th cen­tury, a wide va­ri­ety of spellings were used for var­i­ous rea­sons; al­though, fol­low­ing the pub­li­ca­tion of the Cam­bridge and Globe edi­tions of Shake­speare in the 1860s, “Shake­speare” began to gain as­cen­dancy. It later be­came a habit of writ­ers who be­lieved that some­one else wrote the plays to use dif­fer­ent spellings when they were re­fer­ring to the “real” play­wright and to the man from Strat­ford upon Avon. With rare ex­cep­tions, the spelling is now stan­dard­ised in Eng­lish-speak­ing coun­tries as “Shake­speare”.

Shakespeare’s signatures

Main article: William Shakespeare’s handwriting

 Shakespeare's six surviving signatures are all from legal documents.

Willm Shakp
Bellott-Mountjoy deposition
12 June 1612William Shakspēr
Blackfriars Gatehouse
10 March 1613Wm Shakspē
Blackfriars mortgage
11 March 1616William Shakspere
Page 1 of will
(from 1817 engraving)Willm Shakspere
Page 2 of willWilliam Shakspeare
Last page of will
25 March 1616

 Shakespeare's six surviving signatures are all from legal documents.

Shakespeare’s six surviving signatures are all from legal documents.

There are six sur­viv­ing sig­na­tures writ­ten by Shake­speare him­self. These are all at­tached to legal doc­u­ments. The six sig­na­tures ap­pear on four doc­u­ments:

  • a deposition in the Bellott v. Mountjoy case, dated 11 May 1612
  • the purchase of a house in Blackfriars, London, dated 10 March 1613
  • the mortgage of the same house, dated 11 March 1613
  • his Last Will & Testament, which contains three signatures, one on each page, dated 25 March 1616

The sig­na­tures ap­pear as fol­lows:

  • Willm Shakp
  • William Shaksper
  • Wm Shakspe
  • William Shakspere
  • Willm Shakspere
  • By me William Shakspeare

Most of these are abbrev

Shakespeare authorship question

Title page of the first quarto of King Lear (1608) with a hyphenated spelling of the name.
Title page of Knight's Pictorial Shakspere, 1867 edition.


What Shakespeare’s English Sounded Like – and how we know NativLang

Botched rhymes, buried puns and a staged accent that sounds more Victorian than Elizabethan. No more! Use linguistic sleuthing to dig up the surprisingly different sound of the bard’s Early Modern English.

Title page of the first quarto of King Lear (1608) with a hyphenated spelling of the name.


When the ad­vo­cates of the Shake­speare au­thor­ship ques­tion began to claim that some­one other than Shake­speare of Strat­ford wrote the plays, they drew on the fact that vari­ant spellings ex­isted to dis­tin­guish be­tween the sup­posed pseu­do­nym used by the hid­den au­thor and the name of the man born in Strat­ford, who is claimed to have acted as a “front man”.

The use of dif­fer­ent spellings was some­times sim­ply a con­ve­nience, to clar­ify which “Shake­speare” was being dis­cussed. In other cases it was linked to an ar­gu­ment about the mean­ing sup­posed to be at­tached to “Shake­speare” as a pseu­do­nym. In some in­stances it arose from a be­lief that dif­fer­ent spelling lit­er­ally im­plied, as R.C. Churchill puts it, “that there must have been two men: one, the actor, whom they mostly call ‘Shaksper’ or ‘Shakspere’, the other the real au­thor (Bacon, Derby, Rut­land, etc.) whom they call ‘Shake­speare’ or ‘Shake-speare’ (with the hy­phen).” In some cases there were even imag­ined to be three Shake­speares: the au­thor, the actor and the Strat­ford man.


William Shakespeare’s IMPACT on the English Language Langfocus
This video is all about William Shakespeare’s impressive impact on the English language, including words and idioms that we use on a daily basis *without even realizing it



Free promotional information for visitors, Some of the best free promotional, motivational, informational, educational documentary, and sample books, ebooks, video, audio, music, pictures, links, about Smart eBooks Reading From top to bottom of the page to read or watch, listen, learn, use and to enjoy with satisfaction ]
Promotional Guide charges members and companies promotional fees.
For the buyers of the best 100 products and services, prices are the same as they buy directly from Amazon or other companies, with no any difference. Plus lots of free promotional information for visitors.


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The information, books, ebooks, Pictures, Videos, products, services, material plus any other content in this site and related sites or other [ Pak Company and Promotional guide network and links ] or any third party all are for general information, entertainments, and promotion purposes only. However, we [ Pak company, Promotional Guide, or anyone any way related ] make no responsibility or warranty of any kind regarding accuracy, adequacy, validity, reliability, availability, or completeness of information, products, and services plus other items.
All content on this website and Promotional Guide, 4Seasons Gardens, Smart ebooks Reading, Best 100 Plus, and other sites or webpages also mobile sites by Pak Company and Promotional Guide or any third party are for promotion, general information, and entertainment for adult. Thisknowledge information and other material should not be considered all right, correct or complete, up to date, and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or be used in place of a visit, consultation, guidance, or advice of a legal, medical, or any other professional. Never disregard any professional or medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on the Sites!
You should consult medical professionals, an expert in the field of interest for more direct, reliable advice and guidance for your chooses and actions, all strictly and solely on your own risk.
By using these sites, you signify your assent to these Terms and Conditions. If you do not agree to all of these Terms and Conditions, you must not use these sites!

1+ Shakespeare Book: First Folio
2+ Shakespeare Comedy Book: As You Like It!

3+ Shakespeare Roses

4+ Shakespeare Flower gardens


Williams pear From Wikipedia

The Williams’ bon chrétien pear, commonly called the Williams pear or the Bartlett pear in the United States and Canada, is the most commonly grown variety of pear in most countries outside Asia.

It is aWilliams Pears Information, Recipes and FactsImage result for williams pear

cultivar (cultivated variety) of the species Pyrus communis, commonly known as the European Pear. The fruit has a bell shape, considered the traditional pear shape in the west, and its green skin turns yellow upon later ripening, although red-skinned derivative varieties exist. It is considered a summer pear, not as tolerant of cold as some varieties. It is often eaten raw, but holds its shape well when baked, and is a common choice for canned or other processed pear uses.

Williams Bon Chrétien 1822.png
7 Health Benefits Of Williams Pears DoveMed
The Williams pear (Pyrus communis) is the most commonly grown variety of pear in most countries outside Asia. The fruit is the upper end of the flower stalk and is typically Williams pear shaped, narrow at the top (stem) and wider at the bottom. Its green skin turns yellow upon later ripening, although red-skinned derivative varieties exist.

Awesome Williams Pears Cultivation Technology – Pears Farming and Harvest – Pears Processing
Noal Farm
Williams Pears is Important fruit crop of temperate region. It belongs to the family Rosaceae. Pear fruit is rich source of Protein and Vitamins. due to its wider adaptability of climate and soil pear can be grown in subtropical to temperate regions. In India Pear is cultivated in Himachal Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir and U.P and low chilling varieties do well in subtropical regions.


Spelling of Shakespeare’s name

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Shakespeare's printed signature as it appears in The Rape of Lucrece, printed by fellow Stratfordian Richard Field

Shakespeare’s printed signature as it appears in The Rape of Lucrece, printed by fellow Stratfordian Richard Field

The spelling of William Shake­speare‘s name has var­ied over time. It was not con­sis­tently spelled any sin­gle way dur­ing his life­time, in man­u­script or in printed form. After his death the name was spelled var­i­ously by ed­i­tors of his work, and the spelling was not fixed until well into the 20th cen­tury.

The stan­dard spelling of the sur­name as “Shake­speare” was the most com­mon pub­lished form in Shake­speare’s life­time, but it was not one used in his own hand­writ­ten sig­na­tures. It was, how­ever, the spelling used as a printed sig­na­ture to the ded­i­ca­tions of the first edi­tions of his poems Venus and Ado­nis in 1593 and The Rape of Lu­crece in 1594. It is also the spelling used in the First Folio, the de­fin­i­tive col­lec­tion of his plays pub­lished in 1623, after his death.

The spelling of the name was later mod­ernised, “Shake­spear” gain­ing pop­u­lar usage in the 18th cen­tury, which was largely re­placed by “Shak­s­peare” from the late 18th through the early 19th cen­tury. In the Ro­man­tic and Vic­to­rian eras the spelling “Shakspere”, as used in the poet’s own sig­na­ture, be­came more widely adopted in the be­lief that this was the most au­then­tic ver­sion. From the mid-19th to the early 20th cen­tury, a wide va­ri­ety of spellings were used for var­i­ous rea­sons; al­though, fol­low­ing the pub­li­ca­tion of the Cam­bridge and Globe edi­tions of Shake­speare in the 1860s, “Shake­speare” began to gain as­cen­dancy. It later be­came a habit of writ­ers who be­lieved that some­one else wrote the plays to use dif­fer­ent spellings when they were re­fer­ring to the “real” play­wright and to the man from Strat­ford upon Avon. With rare ex­cep­tions, the spelling is now stan­dard­ised in Eng­lish-speak­ing coun­tries as “Shake­speare”.

Shakespeare’s signatures

Main article: William Shakespeare’s handwriting

 Shakespeare's six surviving signatures are all from legal documents.

Willm Shakp
Bellott-Mountjoy deposition
12 June 1612William Shakspēr
Blackfriars Gatehouse
10 March 1613Wm Shakspē
Blackfriars mortgage
11 March 1616William Shakspere
Page 1 of will
(from 1817 engraving)Willm Shakspere
Page 2 of willWilliam Shakspeare
Last page of will
25 March 1616

 Shakespeare's six surviving signatures are all from legal documents.

Shakespeare’s six surviving signatures are all from legal documents.

There are six sur­viv­ing sig­na­tures writ­ten by Shake­speare him­self. These are all at­tached to legal doc­u­ments. The six sig­na­tures ap­pear on four doc­u­ments:

  • a deposition in the Bellott v. Mountjoy case, dated 11 May 1612
  • the purchase of a house in Blackfriars, London, dated 10 March 1613
  • the mortgage of the same house, dated 11 March 1613
  • his Last Will & Testament, which contains three signatures, one on each page, dated 25 March 1616

The sig­na­tures ap­pear as fol­lows:

  • Willm Shakp
  • William Shaksper
  • Wm Shakspe
  • William Shakspere
  • Willm Shakspere
  • By me William Shakspeare

Most of these are abbrev

Shakespeare authorship question

Title page of the first quarto of King Lear (1608) with a hyphenated spelling of the name.
Title page of Knight's Pictorial Shakspere, 1867 edition.


What Shakespeare’s English Sounded Like – and how we know NativLang

Botched rhymes, buried puns and a staged accent that sounds more Victorian than Elizabethan. No more! Use linguistic sleuthing to dig up the surprisingly different sound of the bard’s Early Modern English.

Title page of the first quarto of King Lear (1608) with a hyphenated spelling of the name.


When the ad­vo­cates of the Shake­speare au­thor­ship ques­tion began to claim that some­one other than Shake­speare of Strat­ford wrote the plays, they drew on the fact that vari­ant spellings ex­isted to dis­tin­guish be­tween the sup­posed pseu­do­nym used by the hid­den au­thor and the name of the man born in Strat­ford, who is claimed to have acted as a “front man”.

The use of dif­fer­ent spellings was some­times sim­ply a con­ve­nience, to clar­ify which “Shake­speare” was being dis­cussed. In other cases it was linked to an ar­gu­ment about the mean­ing sup­posed to be at­tached to “Shake­speare” as a pseu­do­nym. In some in­stances it arose from a be­lief that dif­fer­ent spelling lit­er­ally im­plied, as R.C. Churchill puts it, “that there must have been two men: one, the actor, whom they mostly call ‘Shaksper’ or ‘Shakspere’, the other the real au­thor (Bacon, Derby, Rut­land, etc.) whom they call ‘Shake­speare’ or ‘Shake-speare’ (with the hy­phen).” In some cases there were even imag­ined to be three Shake­speares: the au­thor, the actor and the Strat­ford man.


William Shakespeare’s IMPACT on the English Language Langfocus
This video is all about William Shakespeare’s impressive impact on the English language, including words and idioms that we use on a daily basis *without even realizing it



Free promotional information for visitors, Some of the best free promotional, motivational, informational, educational documentary, and sample books, ebooks, video, audio, music, pictures, links, about Smart eBooks Reading From top to bottom of the page to read or watch, listen, learn, use and to enjoy with satisfaction ]
Promotional Guide charges members and companies promotional fees.
For the buyers of the best 100 products and services, prices are the same as they buy directly from Amazon or other companies, with no any difference. Plus lots of free promotional information for visitors.


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The information, books, ebooks, Pictures, Videos, products, services, material plus any other content in this site and related sites or other [ Pak Company and Promotional guide network and links ] or any third party all are for general information, entertainments, and promotion purposes only. However, we [ Pak company, Promotional Guide, or anyone any way related ] make no responsibility or warranty of any kind regarding accuracy, adequacy, validity, reliability, availability, or completeness of information, products, and services plus other items.
All content on this website and Promotional Guide, 4Seasons Gardens, Smart ebooks Reading, Best 100 Plus, and other sites or webpages also mobile sites by Pak Company and Promotional Guide or any third party are for promotion, general information, and entertainment for adult. Thisknowledge information and other material should not be considered all right, correct or complete, up to date, and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or be used in place of a visit, consultation, guidance, or advice of a legal, medical, or any other professional. Never disregard any professional or medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on the Sites!
You should consult medical professionals, an expert in the field of interest for more direct, reliable advice and guidance for your chooses and actions, all strictly and solely on your own risk.
By using these sites, you signify your assent to these Terms and Conditions. If you do not agree to all of these Terms and Conditions, you must not use these sites!

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