Smart eBooks Reading Best 100 Plus
Smartphone Best 100 Benefits, Uses,
Best 100 benefits of Languages and Global English language
According to Wikipedia these are some information
7.8 billion human living by 2020 globally
2+ billion kids and teens
2+ billion seniors and centenarians
4+ billion men
4+ billion women
4 billion smartphone user,
4+ billion internet user,
4+ billion Wikipedia readers,
4+ billion people know Shakespeare by reading some of his books or by going to live theater or watching his movies, and TVshows ( To be, or not to be, Shakespeare fans, That is the question ? )
4+ billions of people living in gardens and farms as a family of more than 1 billion working professionals to produce, transport, sell or serve foods and drinks,
4+ billion people live in or around the cities. ( and by 2050 around 6 to 7 billion )
4+ billion middle income people very soon, from 1 or 2 billion in 2020+
4+ billion Global English speaking people by 2030 up from 2 or 2.5 billion Global English speaking people now at 2020
1+ Natural, Good, Better and Best living Life
2+ Natural, Good, Better and Best living life healthy and
3+ Natural, Good, Better and Best living Life Financially Prosper
4+ Natural, Good, Better and Best living Life Intellectually
5+ Natural, Good, Better and Best living Life foamily fortunet
6+ Natural, Good, Better and Best living Life Safety
7+ Natural, Good, Better and Best living Life socially
8+ Natural, Good, Better and Best living Life best of all and best of everything
9+ Natural, Good, Better and Best living Life spiritually
10+ Natural, Good, Better and Best living Life all the best

languages and Shakespeare
Welcome ladies and gentleman’s to continue our 4 Seasons Gardening tour.
Okay fist thing first and one ate the time.
The first and most difference between humans and animals is language. The first or most important book ever written by human ( other than religious and official educational books ) written by Shakespeare and even the name of the book is first Folio.
the first and best highest talents and skills of humans are learning and using languages !?.
The first and highest creation also most highly developed human inventions are languages
The first skills human learns from childhood is language
The first official education is learning languages in school
The first official human position, title, is a student for the study of languages
The first and most encouragement, motivation, rewards, prays and complements human receives in childhood and in whole life are for listening, talking, reading and writing or for to understand and to be understood and right, correct, respectfully, happy and joyful communication with other humans
The first thing human use as a baby is language and the last thing is the use of language in the will
The first and highest sign of wisdom ( as the greatest virtue of human ) is language, wisdom is a language ( The unlucky human who are growing by animals in the jungles, and couldn’t talk, never showed any sign of wisdom, but fortunate children from jungles who grow up in cities and went university got Ph.D. and become very wise Dr in many fields even Ph.D. in language and literature.
The first thing every
The first thing that makes a natural human ( living, eating, drinking, reproduction, sleeping ) intellectual, wise, smart, thinker, visionary, logical, with will and choice, dedication, goal setting, and achiever is
The first thing that makes the human possibility of knowing the time, past, present, and future are languages, with not knowing language times becomes very short time and limited like monkies and champs and people who live in the jungles they only have knowledge of now and few days before and after.
The first thing that makes human spiritually realizable, and manifest love, care, help, services, compassion bless and grace is languages, one of seven virtue or gift of the holy spirit in Christianity is language
The first priority of achieving life long goals are languages.
The first priority of human is to learn and improve languages specially in the information age, information society, information technology to use computer the languages are the key for asking questions and finding collecting answers ,
The first and most income, profits, and financial benefits most human receive are from the use of languages
The first official recognitions or certificates, licenses, etc humans receive are for languages.
alive and talking or dead silent ?
2023 Shakespeare English Book First Folio 400 Year Anniversary
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First Folio From Wikipedia Read more:
Mr. William Shakespeare’s Comedies, Histories, & Tragedies is a collection of plays by William Shakespeare, published in 1623, commonly referred to by modern scholars as the First Folio. It is considered one of the most influential books ever published.
Printed in folio format and containing 36 plays (see list of Shakespeare’s plays), it was prepared by Shakespeare’s colleagues John Heminges and Henry Condell.
What Is A Shakespeare First Folio? Read more:
After William Shakespeare died in 1616, two of his friends decided to publish his works. Their names were John Heminge and Henry Condell, and they were part of the King’s Men with Shakespeare. They collected his plays and brought them to publishers Edward Blount and Isaac Jaggard, who then began to make the First Folio. The book was completed in 1623.
What we call the “First Folio” is actually titled “Mr. William Shakespeares Comedies, Histories, & Tragedies.” The term folio refers to the large size of paper, which was usually saved for more important documents like theology, history, and royal proclamations. Half the plays in the First Folio had already been printed as smaller books called quartos. There were different versions of some of the plays. Shakespeare’s friends organized the printing of the First Folio and said they were using the original copies of the plays, but scholars have no way of knowing what exactly Shakespeare wrote. By the time Shakespeare died, he had written at least 38 plays and more than 150 poems!
The image from the title page of the First Folio is called the “Droeshout portrait” because it was made by Martin Droeshout. Shakespeare’s friends approved it, so it must have looked like him. It is one of only two images that we know to be accurate, and the other is the bust of Shakespeare at his grave.
Researchers believe that 750 or fewer copies of the First Folio were printed; 233 survive today, of which 82 are in the Folger collection. Read more:
2023 Shakespeare English Book First Folio 400 Year Anniversary
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The first folio book individually and from 20 to 40 to 100 and more is most printed, soled, played,
The first folio book altogether have abundant intellectual value plus financially each book individually priced more then 10/000/000 or 10 million dollars and collectively worth 100/000/000/000*100 = 10/000 billion or 10 trillion-dollar and much more, by the cost, price, the market value of all books in the publishing house, book stores, libraries, schooled, high schools, universities, organization, companies, offices, people house, movie studios, theaters, people hand, and pockets, encyclopedias, and the cost or expenses people made for knowing and education
in computers, internet, smartphones, apps,
The first folio book was, is and going to be the book raise more people than any other book, to a standing ovation, applause, cheer, joyful bravo, horaas,
The first folio book make more prays, compliments, respect, honors?,
The first folio book is the first
The first folio book
The first
The first
The first
The first in communication, listening, talking, reaDING WRITING
The first folio book is the first book
The first folio book is the first
The first folio book is the first
The first folio book is the first
The first folio book is the first
The first folio book is the first, languages, English, globalism, stories, poems, play, literature, arts, culture, education,
study, learning, creativity, theater, movies, show business, entertainments,
The First Folio is the book of Shakespeare, English first, best and number Poet and Play Writer, Story and History, Comedy Writer
The First Folio is the first and the best and the most important
The First Folio
The First Folio
The First Folio is most, pricey, expensive, costly, valuable,
The First Folio book published in the year1623 and 2023 is the 400th anniversary year of the First Folio
The First Folio is the first and the best and the most important
the first book as cost, value, price, use, reading, writing, talking, saying, playing, antique, popularity, well known, well keep. storage, bought, soled, made fortune, income, wealth, richest, prosperity, health, army, respect, laughing, show, timing, budgets, friendship, marriages, singing, poetry, stories, history, crying, learning, teaching,
we know agricultural age started about 10/000 years ago

( The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization is a specialised agency of the United Nations (UN) aimed at promoting world peace and security through international cooperation in education, the sciences, and culture. It has 193 member states and 11 associate members, as well as partners in the nongovernmental, intergovernmental, and private sector. Headquartered in Paris, France, UNESCO has 53 regional field offices and 199 national commissions that facilitate its global mandate. )
The First Folio books of Mr. William Shakespeare. It is a collection Comedies, Histories, & Tragedies approximately 900 pages containing 36 plays from154 sonnets and 38 plays by William Shakespeare, published in 1623, commonly referred to by modern scholars as the First Folio. It is considered one of the most influential books ever published.
[ Shakespeare for his book ( First Folio ) is chosen by UNESCO as one of the top few writers and poets of the world from a long time ago. But for 2030 also 2045 Best 100th Books Collections, most likely they going to nominate and chose Shakespeare and for his book ( First Folio ) as a number one book for first place globally
The UN 2030 Agenda 17 Sustainable Development Goals, ( The GOAL #4: Quality Education For Everyone )
and UN first 100th anniversary at 2045 Best 100th Books Collections, nominating as a number one book for first place globally:
Chosen and recommended also nominated by 1+, 2+ 3+ 4+, and hopefully soon by more people, fans, 5+ x 6+y 10+ 100++++ scholars, professionals, experts, companies and organizations plus UNESCO
For smart people, smartphone users, smart reader, smart learner, smart student, smart thinker, smart goal maker, and smart Shakespear fans, for the people who care about, learning, education, literacy, literature, languages especially English language, who cares about environments, 4 Seasons gardening and growing roses, flowers, fruits, vegetables and other foods and for:
The First Folio books of Mr. William Shakespeare nominating as number one and the first book for help everyone getting a promotion, motivation, education, entertainment also to learn, to improve and show talents plus skills in many areas of personal development practically in Listening, Talking, Reading, and Writing in many languages especially in the English Language globally.
just about 100 years after the discovery of American content as a new heaven and old flat earth as a globe, Shakespeare made global theater to promote, British islands witch was before end of the known world, closest and the gat to the new heaven or American content with the finest ships and the sailor to take people and commercial goods to American contentment and all around the globe,
Shakespeare grew up while working, making, and selling gloves in his father’s businesses. He had very professional knowledge and expertise in handy works and hand jobs, hand gestures, handshake especially in handwriting.
grammar, angels of success, in goalish, angel is she,
handy works or hand jobs with gloves, bigger brain with two working hands
roses, flowers, herbs, vegetables,
Some expert says Shakespear knew around 35000+ words in working or conscious memory and around 65000+ words in subconscious memory ( fortunately in recent time most PH.D. or Drs graduate are familiar with around 60/000+ to 80/000+ words )
The assumption is by the year 2030 or 2045 UN first 100th anniversary around 4 billion Global English Speakers plus 444/444/444+ four hundred and forty-four million, and hundred and forty-four thousands, and four hundred and forty-four,+ native English speakers as a first language, totally 4/444/444/444+ English speakers in the globe, up from 2 billion to 2.5 billion at the year 2020
Global English speakers, To be Listening, To be Talking, To be Reading, and To be Writing English
1+ %100 agree,
2+ %75
3+ %50
4+ %25
5+ %10
6+ %1 or 2 or 3 or %4 or any agreement and yes vote, giving the right to anybody to be agree, learn and use and To be Listening, To be Talking, To be Reading, and To be Writing in English
7+ % 0
8+ %10 disagree
9+ %50-
10+ + %1 or 2 or 3 or %4 or any agreement and yes vote, also giving the right to anybody to agree, learn and use and To be Listening, To be Talking, To be Reading, and To be Writing in English
promotion, motivation, education, entertainment
By at chosen and recommended nominated book
to become to everyone as the best book to listen, to talk, to read, and write about it
William Shakespeare (April 26, 1564 (baptism)–d. April 23, 1616) was an English poet and playwright and is considered a key member of the English literature canon. Shakespeare’s work includes 154 sonnets and 38 plays

The New Oxford Shakespeare: Complete Set: Modern Critical Edition, Critical Reference Edition, Authorship Companion
by William Shakespeare, Gary Taylor, et al. | Jun 20, 2017

The New Oxford Shakespeare: Modern Critical Edition: The Complete Works
by William Shakespeare , Gary Taylor, et al. | Jan 15, 2018Paperback$49.95

Shakespeare In America (Oxford Shakespeare Topics)
by Alden T. Vaughan and Virginia Mason Vaughan | May 4, 2012Paperback$30.95

The Oxford Shakespeare: The Complete Works, 2nd Edition Hardcover
Hardcover $25.00 Kindle from $0.99
Hailed by The Washington Post as “a definitive synthesis of the best editions” and by The Times of London as “a monument to Shakespearean scholarship,” The Oxford Shakespeare is the ultimate anthology of the Bard’s work: the most authoritative edition of the plays and poems ever published.
No Fear Shakespeare
At: Https://Www.Sparknotes.Com/Shakespeare/
Read Shakespeare’s works translated into today’s English, go deep with our study guides, or delve into the Bard’s life and times. Explore the historical and social context of William Shakespeare’s plays, learn about his biography, or browse his most famous quotes.
No Fear Shakespeare
More Then 20 Of Shakespeare Work Read All For Free Or Buy Each Around $10 At Amazon
Many fans and enthusiasts of William Shakespeare, who was one of England’s greatest poets and dramatists, celebrate National Shakespeare Day, also known as Shakespeare Day, on April 23 each year. April 23 is also the United Nations’ World Book and Copyright Day, which was a natural choice to pay a worldwide tribute to writers such as Shakespeare.
2023 Sunday Apr 23 Shakespeare Day
What the Folio Did for Us
The circumstances surrounding the creation of the First Folio are of keen interest to people inquiring into the authorship issue. Of course there are no existing manuscripts of Shakespeare’s plays or sonnets. Nothing much from Shakespeare’s hand at all, except a poorly written will and some business records. He left no letters. No notes. No literary record of any kind, which in itself is strange. Ben Jonson left a ton of stuff behind, as did other writers of the time. So with no record, how do we know about the plays at all? Two ways: the Quartos and the First Folio.
Shakespeare Day 23 April
World Book and Copyright Day is a celebration to promote the enjoyment of books and reading. Each year, on 23 April, celebrations take place all over the world to recognize the scope of books – a link between the past and the future, a bridge between generations and across cultures. On this occasion, UNESCO and the international organizations representing the three major sectors of the book industry – publishers, booksellers and libraries, select the World Book Capital for a year to maintain, through its own initiatives, the impetus of the Day’s celebrations.
23 April is a symbolic date in world literature. It is the date on which several prominent authors, William Shakespeare, Miguel de Cervantes and Inca Garcilaso de la Vega all died. This date was a natural choice for UNESCO’s General Conference, held in Paris in 1995, to pay a world-wide tribute to books and authors on this date, encouraging everyone to access books.
By championing books and copyright, UNESCO stands up for creativity, diversity and equal access to knowledge, with the work across the board – from the Creative Cities of Literature network to promoting literacy and mobile learning and advancing Open Access to scientific knowledge and educational resources. With the active involvement of all stakeholders: authors, publishers, teachers, librarians, public and private institutions, humanitarian NGOs and the mass media, and all those who feel motivated to work together in this world celebration of books and authors, World Book and Copyright Day has become a platform to rally together millions of people all around the world. Read more: WHAT IS WORLD BOOK AND COPYRIGHT DAY?
Rare Copy Of Shakespeare’s First Folio Sells For Record $10M
Updated 14th October 2020 Written by Oscar Holland, CNN Read more :
A rare copy of Shakespeare’s First Folio sold for almost $10 million Wednesday, becoming the most expensive work of literature ever to appear at auction, according to Christie’s.
The version sold on Wednesday was the first complete copy to appear at auction since one went for $6.1 million in 2001. It was put up for sale by Mills College in Oakland, California, which had kept the item in its collection since 1977.
“(The First Folio) is the greatest work in the English language, certainly the greatest work of theater, so it’s something that anyone who loves intellectualism has to consider a divine object,” said Loewentheil, who owns stores specializing in rare books and photography in New York and Maryland.

‘Extraordinarily’ Rare
Although around 750 copies of the First Folio were produced, just 235 are known to have survived to the present day. Of these, only 56 are considered to be complete, with almost all of them now held by institutions in the US and UK, according to Christie’s, whose sale catalog said the item’s “extraordinary rarity … cannot be overstated.”Believing that the copies in private hands might “never to come to market again,” Loewentheil said that there may not be “too many more chances left” to obtain a copy.
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Shakespeare home in London, where he wrote ‘Romeo and Juliet,’ found by historian
Written by Bianca Britton, CNN London Read more at: CNN
The location of William Shakespeare’s London home where the playwright wrote “Romeo and Juliet” has been identified for the first time, according to new research.Theater historian Geoffrey Marsh spent a decade meticulously researching the home of the English dramatist and poet by cross-referencing official records to pinpoint where exactly Shakespeare lived during the 1590s.

Historian Geoffrey Marsh analyzed archives that dated back to the 1550s. Credit: Paul Harries
“The place where Shakespeare lived in London gives us a more profound understanding of the inspirations for his work and life,” said Marsh, who is also the director of the Victoria and Albert Museum’s Department of Theatre and Performance.”Within a few years of migrating to London from Stratford, he was living in one of the wealthiest parishes in the City, alongside powerful public figures, wealthy international merchants, society doctors and expert musicians.”
Read more at: CNN